Friday, September 28, 2007

Thursday at KINK

Yesterday I flew up to San Francisco for the day to work at Kink. The days journey was to work with James on his site, His trainee: Devon. Me: As usual, a guest trainer.

Devon is a very optimistic, happy and spirited girl, not to mention tough and determined. I like her alot and liked her attitude through the shoot even better. One thing I was amused by is something that James says to the models. If they are emotional or a bit watery in the eyes he will tell them to "compose yourself." I think thats really cool because it does not console the model but does remind her to center herself with detatchment....

The shooting went well and off I went home from another day there. I should count how many shoots I have done there, it would be interesting to see the numbers.

While at the airport, I randomly ran across my friend, Arachnia Webb who happened to be on the same flight as me. It was very nice to see her and chit chat in our fatigued post shoot with crumbling make up on states. I neeed to make an effort to see her out here sometime. Frienship is a skill I am still learning to acquire.

Driving home is the time I take to compose myself for Sir. For those of you that are switches or have switches in your life, it is not always easy to transition from being Dominant to being cute and submissive. In years past, this has most certainly been a challenge with Sir and I- but the tranisiton is getting much better and easier. Coming home as a bunny, I was happy to see all the cool things Sir did to reorganize everything and the best part- we now have and will be selling on hot pink synthetic rope! Its the perfect pink. Cotton candy-ish but very, very cool.

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